If you're a Spark customer, or have been in the past, there may be a credit balance on your account.
Spark will only refund the credit balance on your account in exceptional circumstances or if you're closing your Spark account. This is to make sure we meet our regulatory obligations.
If you're requesting a refund of your credit balance due to financial difficulty, please let us know by ticking the box below. Our team will review your request. They'll be in touch if they need more information.
If you recently received a letter or email from us explaining that we made a billing error or overcharged you, it will have the Spark account number the refund relates to and how much you're owed. Fill in the form below to get your refund sorted.
We'll process your request within three to five business days. If we need to discuss this with you, we'll contact you.
Prepaid customers: If your request relates to a Prepaid mobile, please do not use this form. Contact us and our team will be able to help. Message our team
Call the Prepaid Helpdesk: 0800 32 32 32