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How to search and download apps

Expand the features of your phone by installing new apps. Learn how to search for and install apps on your phone.

Note: If you don’t already have a Google account, create an account first.

Step 1:

From the home screen, swipe the arrow symbol up.

Step 2:

Tap Play Store.

Step 3:

This is the start page of the Play Store. Recommended applications and special categories are displayed here, for example, GamesApps and Books.

Step 4:

Tap Apps.

Under Top Apps, the top free applications are displayed.

Under Top Grossing, the top grossing applications are displayed.

Under Trending, the top trending applications are displayed.

Under Top selling, the top paid applications are displayed.

Step 5:

To search for an application, Tap Search for apps & games.

Step 6:

Enter a search key, such as, Angry Birds.

Step 7:

From the list of suggestions, Tap Angry Birds.

Step 8:

To download and install this (free) application, tap Install.

Step 9:

The application has been installed.

Step 10:

To open the application, Tap Open.

To remove the application, Tap Uninstall.

After installing the app on your phone, you can access it from the menu.