When you sign up for a service that connects to your house using fixed lines like copper or fibre, we both agree to these Fixed Line Terms. These terms outline what each of us will and won’t do when it comes to your fixed line service.
You’ll also need to be across the General Terms – these apply to everyone using Spark services for personal use. And you should get familiar with any Plan Terms that apply to you too. These will tell you exactly what to expect when it comes to the plan you’ve chosen.
Look out for bold words. There are some words in these terms that have specific meanings. When you see a word in bold, it means we’ve explained what it means in a section at the end.
1. All fixed line services
This section covers the areas that those on a fixed line service should know about.
Getting started
Using your fixed line service
Cancelling or changing your fixed line service
2. Broadband services
This section covers things that apply if you have broadband. If you only have a landline service with us, jump ahead to section 3.
Getting started on broadband
Using broadband services
3. Landline services
This section covers a couple of things that apply if you have a landline service with us.
Here’s what the words in bold mean.
Broadband in these terms means home internet provided over the fixed line network – copper ADSL, copper VDSL, or fibre home internet.
Early termination fee is the fee we may charge if you’re on a fixed term contract and you cancel your service, downgrade your plan, or your service is ended part way through your term.
Fixed line network or network (including references to our networks) means the copper and fibre communication facilities owned by us and other parties who we work with. An example of this is Chorus. These networks are used to provide you with fixed line services.
Fixed line services or services means any fixed line services we provide to you or arrange for you to be provided over the fixed line network, including broadband and landline services.
Fixed Line Terms are the terms you’re reading right now. These apply to everyone receiving a Spark fixed line service for personal use.
Fixed term contract means when you purchase services from us that have a minimum contract length, such as 12 or 24 months.
General Terms are the terms that apply to everyone receiving Spark services for personal use. They cover key things everyone should know about.
Landline means a fibre or copper home phone connection.
LFC means the local fibre companies that have been engaged by the government to build, deploy, and maintain the fibre network across New Zealand.
Non-standard installation means a fibre installation where your house is more than 200m from the fibre access point on the street; and/or if your fibre enabled modem is installed at a separate location to the optical network and additional wiring is required (or if you want special wiring installed). This is more expensive than the standard install.
Plan means the pricing plan under which you have agreed to receive services.
Plan Terms means the terms and conditions relating to any plan.
Service partners means third parties (such as LFCs) providing network maintenance services in relation to our networks.
Spark, our, we or us aren’t bold throughout this document, but when you see them they refer to Spark New Zealand Trading Limited or any related company or approved agents of Spark New Zealand Trading Limited.
Standard installation means a fibre installation connecting the fibre cable from the street (up to 200m) through your home, the external termination point, the optical network and the fibre enabled modem.
You or your aren’t bold throughout this document, but when you see them they refer to anyone who receives Spark fixed line services.