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Submit phone for return or repair

My phone is faulty, what can I do?

If you've bought a phone from a retail store that stocks Skinny devices, you'll need to return it directly to the store. (They have their own return process for Skinny devices).

If you bought your Skinny phone from our online store, we'll happily fix it for you. Here's how to do it.

First, you'll need to remove your SIM and memory card and back up any data from your device. Fill out our online form (for returns & repairs) including your credit card details and hit 'submit'. 

You will be charged a visa hold as the assessment fee. For modems and the majority of devices, this will be $55, however once you type in the phone details, the exact fee will be populated for you. Don't worry, you won't be charged this fee if the problem is covered under the warranty. If the repair isn't covered under the warranty, there will be a cost, and you'll be contacted to chat about your options. (cracked screens and water damage are examples of non-warranty repairs). 

If your phone is outside of its warranty period, you'll be required to pay the cost of the repair which may be more than the $55 assessment fee. Our repair partner Telegistics will contact you directly if an additional payment is required.

You can track your repair request online here. Or contact Telegistics on 0800 835344. Please check our Skinny Terms for more information.

If your phone is out of action or in for repair, any Plans/add-ons you're subscribed to will still renew each week.

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