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Oppo AX5s

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How to hotspot your device

Share your mobile internet with family and friends by enabling the mobile hotspot. Here's how:

Step 1:

From the home screen, open the menu by swiping up on the screen.

Step 2:

Tap Settings.

Step 3:

Tap Other Wireless Connections.

Step 4:

Tap Personal Hotspot.

Step 5:

Tap Personal Hotspot Settings.

Step 6:

Under Name, enter a name.

Step 7:

Tap Security.

Step 8:

Tick an option, in this case, WPA2 PSK.

Under Passcode, enter a password (at least 8 characters).

Step 9:

Tap Save.

Step 10:

Enable Personal Hotspot.

Your phone has now been configured for use as a personal hotspot. Other devices will be able to connect to your personal hotspot by selecting your hotspot name and entering the password you have set.