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Fibre landline - smart features user guide

What features do I get with my fibre landline?

You can choose from three feature packs:


Standard Fibre Landline features
Advanced feature pack Premium feature pack
Automatic call back All the standard features, plus: All the advance pack features, plus:
Caller Display Call barring Dual number
Directory Listing Call blocking Distinctive ring
Divert my number unavailable Call diversion Simultaneous ring
Hide my number Call waiting Voice mail
Last number redial 3-way calling  

In some cases, you’ll need to set up, switch on or change the features that come with your fibre landline. For example, you can specify which number you would like your incoming calls to be diverted to.

There are two ways you can to this: via MySpark or by using quick dial codes.

Using MySpark

Sign into MySpark and you can see the current settings for your landline in the Product & Services/Fibre Landline section.

Using quick dial codes

A quick dial code is a short numeric code that you can enter into your phone to switch on or change some of your landline features.

To use a quick dial code:

  1. Dial the relevant code on your phone followed by the hash key.
  2. Listen to the prompt and enter any additional numbers or symbols that might be needed.

For example, to hide your number, press *26#. You will hear an automated message: “Your calling line id blocking service is now set to hide your identity. Thank you”

Automatic Call Back

This is a new feature that’s only available on a fibre landline. You can call back the last person who called you - whether or not the call was answered - by using a quick dial code: *69# or 1469#

Note: this feature won’t work if the number was unavailable or withheld/restricted.


Call Barring

You can restrict outgoing calls from your phone to stop anyone making chargeable calls from home. The call barring options include:

  • All Calls allowed.
  • Don’t allow calls to national, mobile or international numbers.
  • Don’t allow calls to international numbers.
  • Don’t allow calls to mobile or international numbers.
    Note: You can only choose one option at a time

You can control your call barring using a quick dial code followed by the profile number between (0- 4) and a 4-digit PIN. The default pin is 1212.

Note: If you enter the PIN incorrectly 10 times in a row call barring will be locked for 5 minutes. Contact Spark if you require additional help.

Here are the different profile options you can choose:

  • Profile number 0 – Allow all calls
  • Profile number 1 - Only allow calls to local numbers
  • Profile number 2 - Don’t allow calls to international numbers.
  • Profile number 3 - Don’t allow calls to mobile or international numbers.

To switch Call Barring on, dial *80 (or 1480), followed by one of the above profiles (0-4), your PIN and then the hash (#) key.

For example, to block all international calls dial *80 2 1212#.

To switch Call barring off dial *80 (or 1480), 0 and your PIN followed by the hash (#) key.

Note: Call Barring can also affect other services - like Divert my Number or Simultaneous Ring – if they include numbers that Call Barring is set up to block.

For example, if you set up Call Barring to block mobile numbers, your simultaneous ring to a mobile number will be blocked as well.


Caller Blocking

With this feature switched on, no incoming calls will get through. Or you can choose to receive calls from everyone except specific numbers you want to block.

Sign into MySpark to set up one of these options:

  • Block all incoming calls
  • Block all incoming private calls
  • Block all incoming calls with unavailable number
  • Block all incoming excluding specific phone numbers (up to five numbers)
  • Block only specific phone numbers (up to five numbers)


Caller Display

With Caller Display, you see the phone number of the person calling you before you answer. So that also means you can use it to screen your calls.


Call Diversion

Divert your phone to different number – including a mobile number or another landline.

There are four ways you can do this:

  1. Immediate call diversion - all your calls go to the number you've chosen
  2. Call diversion if not answered - the call goes to your phone first. If there’s no reply after a set time, your call will diverted to another number
  3. Call diversion if busy – calls only get diverted if your phone is busy.
  4. Selective call diversion - only divert calls from selected numbers that you choose. You can pick up to 12 different numbers. You can also choose to divert calls from private numbers or when calling number is unavailable. This is a new feature available on a Fibre Landline.

Controlling all this is pretty straightforward. You can either set it all up in MySpark or just dial one of the quick dial codes below.

To switch on immediate call diversion and set up a destination number, dial *17# or 1417#. Dial #17# or 1517# to switch it off.

To switch on call diversion if not answered and set up a destination number, dial *16# or 1416#. Dial #16# or 1516# to switch it off..

To invoke call diversion if busy and set up the destination number, dial *15# or 1415#. Dial #15# or 1515# to switch it off..

To switch on selective call diversion, dial #76# or 1576#. Dial #77# or 1577# to switch it off.

Note: Before you can switch on selective call diversion, you’ll just need to sign into MySpark and specify the numbers you want to divert


Call Waiting

If Call Waiting is turned on and you receive a phone call while you are on another call, you will be notified by the series of beeps. Plus, the new number will also be displayed on your phone screen if your phone has a Call Waiting CLI display.

To drop the first call before answering second call, hang-up and you will be called by the second call.

To answer the second call without dropping first call press the switch hook or flash button and digit 2 on your phone. This will put the first call on hold.

To drop the first call after you have answered second call, press the switch hook or the flash button and digit 1 on your phone.

To toggle between calls press switch hook or the flash button and digit 2.

Note: If you are in the North Power fibre region, the Call Waiting control is different due to some limitations with the fibre equipment. To answer the waiting call or toggle between calls, press hook or flash button.

You can switch this feature on and off in MySpark or by using a quick dial code.

If you don’t want interrupted, you can disable the feature permanently by dialling #43# (or 1543#) from your phone. Or, if it’s only for the next call, dial *70 (or 1470) followed by the number you want to call.

To switch Call Waiting on again, dial *43# (or 1443#)


Directory Listing

Listing types

  • Confidential: No one can access your information. We recommend that you opt to allow your confidential details to be accessed by emergency services.
  • Unpublished: Your information is only available if people call the 018 directory service
  • Published: Your information is available online, in the White Pages book and if people call the 018 directory service

Update your directory listing

You can update your listing in MySpark online. Sign in to MySpark


Dual Number

With a Fibre Landline you can have two numbers. So, for example, you can use second number for faxability or another business service.

And to keep things simple, you can use another landline feature – Distinctive Ring – to give your second number a different sound.

You can control this feature using MySpark.


Hide My Number

You can block your number from appearing on all outbound calls, or on a call-by-call basis

Your number will come up as “No caller ID” or “Unknown” when you ring someone. Like the other landline features, it’s easy to set up using MySpark or with a quick dial code.

To hide your number for one call only, dial 197 (or 0197) followed by the number you are calling.

To hide your number permanently, dial *26# (or 1426#)

To override Hide My Number dial 196 (or 0196) followed by the number you want to dial.

There is no quick dial code to cancel Hide My Number, but you can do this using MySpark instead.

Note: If you applied for a Confidential Listing or Permanent Number Withhold when you ordered fibre, you’ll need to call us on 0800 800 123 to cancel it.


Last Number Redial

You can quickly redial the last number you called using a quick dial code: *28# or 1428#.

Note: You can also quickly redial the last number you called using redial button on your phone.


Simultaneous Ring

Incoming calls will ring on your home phone and up to five other numbers so you’ll never miss a call. The first phone that answers the call is connected.

For example, calls to your home phone could also be sent to your mobile when you’re not home.

You can also select an option to not ring other numbers if you are already on the phone (i.e. your home phone is busy).

Sign in to MySpark to set up Simultaneous Ring.
Note: The simultaneous ring numbers can only be NZ landline or mobile numbers. Any call charges for simultaneous ring will be based on the number where the call is answered and your call plan.



If you can’t answer the call send it to Voicemail instead.

Voicemail greets callers on your behalf and invites them to leave you a message. You can then listen to your messages when you’re ready.

If you were using call minder service with your old copper phone line, all your voicemail settings - except for the number of rings before Voicemail answers - will stay the same, including any greetings and saved messages.

To set the number of rings before Voicemail answers, dial *39# or 1439# from your phone. You will then be asked to enter the new number of rings.

To listen to your messages:

  1. Dial 083210#
  2. Enter PIN if prompted
  3. Press # - Listen to your message

To listen to your message from another phone with call minder or voicemail:

  1. Dial 083210# (mobile call charges may apply)
  2. Press ** then enter your mailbox number (this is your phone number without the 0 for the area code eg - 91234567)
  3. Press #
  4. Enter your PIN
  5. Press # - listen to your messages

To listen to your messages from overseas:

  1. Dial the international access code for the country you're calling from (international call charges may apply)
  2. Dial 64 83 083210 and wait for the message
  3. Enter your mailbox number (this is your phone number without the 0 for the area code 91234567)
  4. Press #
  5. Enter your PIN
  6. Press # - listen to your messages

To stop sending calls to voicemail, dial #25# or 1525#. To send all calls to voicemail, dial *25#

To stop sending busy calls to voicemail, dial #84# or 1584#. To send busy calls to voicemail, dial *84#

To stop sending unanswered calls to voicemail, dial #85 or 1585. To send unanswered calls to voicemail, dial *85# or 1485#.

You can also set up number of rings for the unanswered call timer by dialling *39# or 1439#. Please note that this setting is also used for the Call Diversion timer. To clear the message waiting indicator on your phone, dial *99# or 1499#.


3-way calling

Bring people in three different locations together to share in the same phone call. You can also invite another caller if you are currently on a call.

To make a three-way call, you dial the first person and wait for them to answer. Then use the switch hook or 'flash' button on your phone to put that person on hold while you contact the third person. Once the third person answers, press the switch hook or flash button and digit 3 on your phone.

To drop the first call after you answered the second call, press the switch hook or flash button, then the digit 1 on your phone.

Note: If you are in the North Power fibre region, the Call Waiting control is different because of fibre equipment limitations. To connect all parties, press the hook or flash button.

If the service is delivered in the North Power region, you also can’t add incoming calls. Instead, you’ll need to

Standard pack features


Standard pack dial codes Code
Automatic Call Back *69# or 1469#
Automatic Call Back Number Deletion #92# or 1492#
Divert My Number if Unreachable – activate and set up the destination number *94# or 1494#
Divert My Number if Unreachable deactivate #94# or 1594#
Divert My Number if Unreachable interrogate status *63# or 1563#
Hide My Number activate always *26# or 1426#
Hide My Number activate per Call 197 + destination number or 0197 + destination number
Hide My Number deactivate per call 196 + destination number or 0196 + destination number
Last Number Redial *28# or 1428#


Advanced pack features


Advanced pack dial codes Code
Call Barring activate *80 (or 1480) + Profile Number +PIN#
Call Barring interrogate *81# or 1580#
Immediate Call Diversion activate and set up the destination number *17# or 1417#
Immediate Call Diversion deactivate #17# or 1517#
Immediate Call Diversion status interrogate *21# or 1521#
Call Diversion if Busy activate and set up the destination number *15# or 1415#
Call Diversion if Busy deactivate #15# or 1515#
Call Diversion if Busy status interrogate *67# or 1567#
Call Diversion not Answered activate and set up the destination number *16# or 1416#
Call Diversion not Answered deactivate #16# or 1516#
Call Diversion not Answered interrogate *61# or 1561#
Selective Call Diversion activate #76# or 1576#
Selective Call Diversion deactivate - #77# or 1577#
No Answer timer set up/number of rings (shared with call diversion timer) *39# or 1439#
Call Waiting activate *43# or 1443#
Call Waiting deactivate #43# or 1543#
Call Waiting cancel for your next call only *70 or 1470 followed by the destination number
Call Waiting status interrogate *42# or 1542#


Premium pack features


Premium pack dial codes Code
Retrieve voice messages 083210
Send all calls *25# or 1425#
Stop sending all calls #25# or 1525#
Send busy calls *84# or 1484#
Stop sending busy calls #84# or 1584#
Send unanswered calls *85# or 1485#
Stop sending unanswered calls #85# or 1585#
No Answer timer set up/number of rings (shared with call diversion timer) *39# or 1439#
Clear voice message waiting indicator *99# or 1499#

You won’t be able to make calls – including emergency 111 calls - if there is a service outage or power failure.

So it’s a good idea to have a Universal Power Service (UPS) to keep your voice and broadband service working. We recommend the equipment offered by Infortek Ltd

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