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Manage Cloud Phone as an administrator

What do you want to do in the administration portal?


The Cloud Phone administration portal is where you manage your sites and users. You'll find it at

The home page is a dashboard that gives you quick access to some common administration tasks,  aggregated call activity and a quick overview of inventory information across the company.

On the left of the screen is a menu of options. Selecting the three stacked lines underneath these options will minimise the sidebar.

At the top right of the main pane is where you select which site you'd like to view or make changes to. Above this, at the top right of your browser window, you'll see your name and profile picture. The drop-down menu next to it has options to manage your account.

Sign in to the administration portal

  1. Open the administration portal
  2. Enter your administrator username. This will be in an email you received.
  3. Enter your password. If you're signing in for the first time, you'll receive a separate email with your temporary password.
  4. Select Sign In.
You'll be prompted to change your password every 90 days.

Demonstration videos will help you find your way around the administration portal and perform common tasks.


Administration portal dashboard overview

See an overview of the new admin portal and and how to navigate through it. Find out where to go to perform common tasks. Start video


Change and reset passwords in the administration portal

See how to change and reset passwords in the new admin portal. Start video


Configure a user's voicemail

See how to configure voicemail for your users. Start video


Redirect calls after hours

See how to redirect calls to your hunt groups, call queues and call centres after hours or during holidays. Start video


Create business hours and holiday schedules

Create time schedules for business hours and holidays. These can then be used to treat calls differently at different times. Start video

  1. Open the administration portal
  2. Select the Forgot Password link.
  3. Enter your username.
  4. Select OK.
  5. You'll receive an email with your temporary password. If you haven't received it within 10 minutes, check your junk folder.  
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select Users from the left menu.
  3. Navigate to the user you want to reset the password for.
  4. Select Reset Password from the Actions drop-down.
  5. The user will receive an email with their temporary password. If they haven't received it within 10 minutes, ask them to check their junk folder.  
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select Users from the left menu.
  3. Navigate to the user you want to reset the voicemail passcode for.
  4. Select Reset Voicemail PIN from the Actions drop-down.
  5. The user will receive an email with their temporary voicemail passcode. If they haven't received it within 10 minutes, ask them to check their junk folder.  

From the administration portal you can update information and control feature settings for the users in your company.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select Users from the left menu.
  3. Find the user you want to make changes for. Use the page control buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the pages of users.
  4. Select the Actions drop-down.
  5. Select what you want to do for the user.

Select from the below what you want to change for the user:  

  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select User Information from the left menu.
  4. Edit the user's name or email address if required.
  5. Edit or add a user ID email address if required. Each user can have up to four user IDs. 
  6. Select Save.

From this page you can also reset their user portal password. To do this, select the Reset Password button.

  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select User Assignments from the left menu.
  4. Edit the extension or select a different caller ID as required, from your list of Cloud Phone numbers within your site.
  5. Enter your caller ID and first and last name. (This name is presented to other users within your Cloud Phone service)
  6. Select Save.  
  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select Voicemail from the left menu.


Enable or disable voicemail

  1. Select the Voicemail toggle to turn voicemail on or off.
  2. Select the checkboxes as required:
    • Send all calls to voicemail
    • When busy, send calls to voicemail
    • Send unanswered calls to voicemail
  3. If you need to reset the voicemail password, select the Reset Voicemail PIN button.
  4. Select Save.


Notification of new messages

  1. Select the Notify me of any new voicemail messages toggle to turn notifications on or off.
  2. Enter the email address to send notifications to.


Additional settings

  1. Select the checkbox if you want callers to be able to press 0 to be transferred to another number.
  2. Enter the number to transfer calls to.
  3. Select the checkbox if you want a copy of the message to be emailed.
  4. Enter the email address to copy it to.
  5. Select save.


Fax messaging

Fax messaging needs an additional number. You can request this from Spark when you order Cloud Phone, or later as a change.

  1. Select the Fax Messaging toggle to turn it on or off.
  2. Select the fax number in the Phone Number field.
  3. Enter an extension for the fax number.
  4. Select Save.


Message storage

  1. Select from the drop-down where to store messages:
    • Use system mailbox
    • Use external mailbox. Then enter the email address.
  2. Select the checkbox if you want the phone's message waiting indicator to let the user know there's a message.



  1. Select the number of rings before callers will hear the greeting.
  2. Select a greeting to play when the phone is busy:
    • Default [system greeting]
    • Custom. Then select a pre-recorded .wav file and upload it as your greeting.
  3. Select a greeting to play when the phone's unanswered:
    • Default [system greeting]
    • Custom. Then select a pre-recorded .wav file and upload it as your greeting.
  4. Select Save.

Set up call forwarding

Call forwarding sends a user's calls to another number or to voicemail.

  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Mobile and PC Applications.
  3. Select Call Forwarding from the left menu.
  4. Select the Call Forwarding toggle to turn it on or off.
  5. Select the checkboxes for the type of call forwarding you want to use:
    • Always: Sends all calls to another number without ringing first.
    • When busy: Sends calls to another number when they're on the phone.
    • When no answer: Sends calls to another number when the call isn't answered within a set number of rings. Then select the number of rings to wait before forwarding.
  6. For each type of forwarding you've selected:
    • Enter the phone number to send calls to if it's external
    • Select from the drop-down which number to send calls to if it's internal
    • Select the checkbox if you want to Send it to voicemail
  7. If you want the user to hear a tone on their phone when a call's being forwarded, select the checkbox for Ring reminder.
  8. Select Save.


Set up business continuity

Business continuity will forward all calls when the user's number isn't reachable. For example, if there's a power outage or your network is down.

  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select Call Forwarding from the left menu.
  4. Select the Business Continuity toggle to turn it on or off.
  5. Enter where the calls should go:
    • Enter the phone number to send calls to if it's external
    • Select from the drop-down which number to send calls to if it's internal
    • Select the checkbox if you want to Send to voicemail
  6. Select Save.


Set up selective call forwarding (This is only available on Standard and Premium stations)

Selective call forwarding forwards, or exempts from forwarding, a user's calls from specified numbers and at specified times using a time schedule. It overrides other call forwarding options you've set up. This feature is managed in the user portal rather than the administration portal.

If you're using selective call forwarding and have more than one schedule, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select Users from the left menu.
  3. Find the user you want to make changes for. Use the page control buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate through the pages of users.
  4. Select the Actions drop-down.
  5. Select Go to User Portal. The user's user portal will open.
  6. Use the scroll bar on the right to locate Selectively Forward Calls.
  7. Select the toggle to turn it on.
  8. Enter the phone number to send calls to.
  9. Select 'Ring reminder' if you want the user to hear a tone when a call's being forwarded or select 'send to voice mail' to send callers directly to a user's voice mail.
  10. Choose the time schedule to use and select Add Schedule. (Scroll down to the Managed Time schedule section)
  11. Enter the number you wish to forward to. (Tick 'send to voice mail' for internal number)
  12. Use the drop down to select your previously created schedule.
  13. Select if you want this to apply to calls from any number or calls from a specific number.
  14. Select Forward or Don't forward.
  15. Select Save to close the pop-up window.
  16. Select Save.


You can set up which types of outbound calls a user is and isn't allowed to make.

  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select advanced from the left menu.
  4. Select calling permissions.

You can choose whether users are allowed or blocked from making specific types of calls. You can also set it so they need to enter an authorisation code before making the call.

For an explanation of each of the call types, select the link Show Outbound Calling Plan Definitions under More Options. See call types

  1. Select the Outbound Calling tab.
  2. Select the checkbox Use custom settings.
  3. For each of the outbound calling types, select the action:
    • Allow: They can make calls of this type.
    • Block: They can't make calls of this type.
    • Authorization Code Required: They can make the call if they enter the authorisation code to do so. To set up authorisation codes, select the link Authorization Codes under More Options.
  4. If you want the user to be able to transfer or forward calls of this type, select the Transfer/Forwards checkbox.
  5. Select Save.
  1. Select the Inbound Calling tab.
  2. Select the checkbox Use custom settings.
  3. Select which types of calls you want the user to be allowed to receive.
  4. Select Save.
  1. Select the Call Waiting tab.
  2. Select the Allow checkbox.
  3. Select Save.  

Shared call appearance means a user can have more than one device using their phone line and settings. You can also use it to assign their number as a second line on one of their colleagues' devices.

The devices share the same line appearance so they all behave the same, and all ring when a call comes in. If you turn on a feature on one device, it'll activate on all the other devices you have shared call appearance on.

A premium profile can have up to 35 devices sharing the line, and a standard profile can have 5.


Add a shared device

  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select 'devices' from the left menu.
  4. Select the 'shared devices' tab.
  5. Click 'find' and add devices to list of available devices.
  6. Select your device
  7. Select save.

Set up shared call appearance

  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select 'devices' from the left menu.
  4. Select the settings you want:
    • When someone makes a click to dial call, all shared devices ring.
    • If a user is part of a paging group, calls to the group will alert all devices in the group.
    • When a user receives a parked call, all shared devices will get an alert.
  5. Select Save.

Busy lamp monitoring lets someone see if other users are on a call or able to take a call. An administrator can set up call monitoring against an individual user.

The lights that display on the call console on the user's IP desk phone will show the status of each of the monitored users.


Add users for someone to monitor

  1. Locate the user you want to be able to monitor the phone status of others.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select Monitoring under Advanced from the left menu.
  4. Select the Find and Assign field to search and select users to monitor.
  5. To remove a monitored user from the list, select the X next to their name.
  6. To change the order of users, click and drag them to the correct place (this will reflect on the user's IP Phone display)
  7. Click the 'Site' section to add users from a different site.
  8. Select 'call park notification' if this is required.
  9. Select Save.  

(Feature must be enabled by Spark)

  1. Locate the user you want to update.
  2. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select Recordings under Advanced.
  4. Select the Recordings toggle to turn call recording on or off.
  5. Select when you want to record calls:
    • Always: All inbound and outbound calls will be recorded. The user won't be able to pause or stop recording.
    • Always With Pause Resume: All inbound and outbound calls will be recorded. The user can pause and resume recording, but can't stop recording.
    • On Demand (Triggered By User Dialing *44): Calls won't be recorded by default. The user can place the call on hold and start recording by dialling *44 anytime during the call. This will record the whole call.
    • On Demand With User Initiated Start: Calls won't be recorded by default. The user can place the call on hold and start recording by dialling *44 during the call. This will record only the part of the call that happened after they dialed *44.
  6. Select the Play Call Recording Start/Stop Announcement checkbox to turn this option on or off.
  7. Select the Record Voice messaging checkbox to turn this option on or off.
  8. If you want the user to hear that the recording has been paused or resumed, select the Pause/Resume Notification toggle. Choose whether you want to hear an announcement or a beep.
  9. Select the Repeat tone checkbox if you want a beep to regularly sound to remind the user the call is being recorded. Enter how many seconds you want between beeps.
  10. Select Save.

A hunt group distributes calls that come into a single phone number to a group of users in a pre-determined pattern. When your service is set up, hunt groups are given default settings. An administrator can change some of these.


Make changes to a hunt group

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Hunt Groups on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the hunt group you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Hunt Group on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the Hunt Group you want to enable or disable.
  6. Select the Status toggle on the Hunt Group to enable or disable it.
  1. Select Incoming Call from the left menu.
  2. Edit the name, extension or caller ID of your hunt group.
  3. Select Save.

Alternate numbers means you can assign up to 10 other numbers to also go into the hunt group. When people dial them, they'll get the same greetings and functions as the main phone number. You'll need to request additional numbers from Spark.

  1. Select 'Incoming Call' from the left menu.
  2. Select 'look up field' to present list of available numbers.
  3. Select the number from the drop-down.
  4. Select a ring pattern.
  5. Select Save.
  1. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  2. Choose how you want your phones to ring:
    • All at once: All users' phones will ring at the same time.
    • One at a time, Top Down: Rings the users in the order you've assigned them, always starting with the user at the top of the list.
    • One at a time, Circular: Rings the users in the order you've assigned them, starting with the user who comes after the last user to receive a hunt group call.
    • One at a time, Longest Idle: Rings the user who hasn't had a hunt group call for the longest time. If it is unanswered it will go to the least idle agent
    • One at a time, Weighted: Rings users based on their pre-configured percentage weightings.
      • Select Set Weighted Percentages and use the sliders to assign weights to users. If a user is assigned 0%, they'll only receive calls if all other users are busy.
      • The percentages need to add up to a total of  100%.
  3. Select Apply.
  4. If you want the call to move on if it's not answered, select the checkbox Advance after a set number of rings. Enter how many rings before it will go to the next user.
  5. If you want the call to move to the next phone if it's busy, select the checkbox Advance when busy (No Call Waiting). Pleas note: Users must have call waiting turned off.
  6. Select Save.

Forward hunt group calls

If you're using selective call forwarding and have more than one schedule, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.

See Manage time schedules for help setting up time schedules.

  1. Select Incoming Call from the left menu.
  2. Select Edit Call Forwarding.
  3. Select an option:
    • Do not forward: No calls are forwarded.
    • Call forwarding always: Forwards all calls. Select Internal or External and choose or enter the phone number to forward calls to.
    • Call forwarding selective: Forwards calls from specified numbers or at specified times. The options you've set up will be listed. Add, edit or delete these to select the time/holiday schedule to use, the number to forward to, or specific callers to forward calls for.
  4. Select Save.


Forward calls if all users are unavailable

Call forwarding of the hunt group will send calls to another number if none of the hunt group users are available to answer.

  1. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  2. Select the checkbox Forward after a set number of rings.
  3. Enter the number of rings before calls are forwarded.
  4. Choose where you want to forward the calls to:
    • Internal: click on the Find phone number field to search and select the number to forward calls to
    • External: enter the number to forward calls to
    • Extension: Enter the extension to forward calls to. If you want the calls to go to voicemail, select the checkbox.
  5. Ensure the number you are forwarding to is set up as your Business Continuity number.
  6. Select Save.

Business continuity sends calls to another number if the hunt group isn't reachable.

  1. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  2. Select the checkbox Divert calls when unreachable.
  3. Enter the phone number calls should be sent to.
  4. Select Save.

If your hunt group is set to ring the phones in a top down or circular pattern, the order you assign the users will be the order the phones ring in.

  1. Select Phones from the left menu.
  2. Your assigned users will be listed.
  3. To add a user, click on the 'Find and Assign' field to search for and select an available user. (If a user is at a different site, use 'lookup' field to change to appropriate site before adding them)
  4. To remove a user, select the X next to their name.
  5. To remove all users, select Remove All.
  6. To change the order of users, click and drag them to the correct place.
  7. Select Save.  

Time and holiday schedules are used by auto attendants, as well as call centres, call queues, hunt groups, call priority and selective call forwarding.

For auto attendants, business hour schedules let you route calls differently based on the day of the week and time of the day. Holiday schedules detail when your business is closed. Your auto attendant will come with both a business hours and holiday schedule assigned to it, but you'll need to change these to suit the hours and holidays that apply to your business.

Your auto attendant will use the business hours schedule to know when to apply the after hours greeting and menu. Holidays will also route as after hours.


Find your schedules

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select the Site Package Settings tab.
  5. Select Scheduling.
  6. Your time schedules will be listed.

Change the name of your business hours schedule

  1. Select the checkbox next to the auto attendant business hours schedule you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Overtype the current schedule name.
  4. Select Save.


Change the days and times of your business hours time schedule

Blocks of time in a time schedule are called events. They're usually named as the day of the week they're for. For example, if your business is open Monday and Tuesday, you'll create an event for each of these days.

  1. Select the checkbox next to the auto attendant business hours schedule you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select Edit next to the event you want to change.
  4. Edit the event name if required.
  5. Select the checkbox if you want it to be an all day event.
  6. Change the start day and start time of your event.
  7. Change the end day and end time of your event.
  8. Select the Recurrence tab on the left and choose how often this event will occur:
    • None: A one-off event, such as a company volunteer day
    • Weekly: The same event every week, such as your opening hours on a Monday
    • Yearly: An annual event, usually used for holidays
  9. Select Save.
  10. Change or add the other events in your time schedule as required.

Change the name of your holiday schedule

  1. Select the checkbox next to the auto attendant holiday schedule you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Overtype the current schedule name .
  4. Select Save.


Change the days and times of your holidays

Blocks of time in a time schedule are called events. Each of your holidays will be an event.

  1. Select the checkbox next to the auto attendant holiday schedule you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Select Edit next to the event you want to change.
  4. Edit the event name if required.
  5. Select the checkbox if you want it to be an all day event.
  6. Change the start day and start time of your event.
  7. Change the end day and end time of your event.
  8. Select the Recurrence tab on the left and choose how often this event will occur:
    • None: A one-off event, such as a company volunteer day
    • Weekly: The same event every week, such as your opening hours on a Monday
    • Yearly: An annual event, usually used for holidays
  9. Select Save.
  10. Change or add the other events in your holiday schedule as required.

As well as auto attendants, services such as call centres, call queues, hunt groups, call priority and selective call forwarding use time schedules. If they need unique business hours that are different from your normal business hours, you can add additional time schedules to assign to them.

Once the schedule has been added, you'll need to assign it to the service you're using it for.

If you're using more than one schedule for selective call forwarding of a hunt group or call queue, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.  

  1. Select Add.
  2. Enter a name for your schedule.
  3. Select Time or Holiday as the schedule type.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Find your new schedule in the list and select Edit next to it.
  6. Select Add to add an event to the schedule.
  7. Enter the event name. This will usually be the day of the week it's for.
  8. Select the checkbox if you want it to be an all day event.
  9. Enter the start day and start time of your event.
  10. Enter the end day and end time of your event.
  11. Select the Recurrence tab on the left and choose how often this event will occur:
    • None: A one-off event, such as a company volunteer day
    • Weekly: The same event every week, such as your opening hours on a Monday
    • Yearly: An annual event, usually used for holidays
  12. Select Save.
  13. Add events for the other days in the week as required.
  1. Select the checkbox next to the schedule you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete.

An auto attendant is a menu of options callers can choose from when they ring you. They're used to play a greeting then route calls to people or call queues in your company, or to external numbers or voicemail. You can upload greetings as .wav files or record them from the voice portal.

An auto attendant has options 1 to 9, # and *. You can route callers to another branch of options by using another auto attendant. Contact your account manager if you need more auto attendants.

You can set up different greetings and options for business hours and after hours, determined by your auto attendant schedule. You can also use a company holiday schedule to apply the after hours menu during holidays. See Manage time schedules for help setting up time schedules.


Make changes to an auto attendant

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Auto Attendants on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the auto attendant you want to change.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Auto Attendant on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the Auto Attendant you want to enable or disable.
  6. Select the Status toggle on the Auto Attendant to enable or disable it.

Choose a name for your auto attendant that reflects its purpose and helps you identify it.

  1. Select Incoming Call from the left menu.
  2. Edit the name (maximum 30 characters) or extension (2 to 6 digits).
  3. Select Save.

Call forwarding lets you send calls to a different phone number.

  1. Select Incoming Call from the left menu.
  2. Select Edit Call Forwarding.
  3. Select when you want to forward the calls:
    • Do not forward: Call won't be forwarded.
    • Call forwarding always: Forwards all calls. Select Internal or External and choose or enter the phone number to forward calls to.
    • Call forwarding selective: Forwards calls from specified numbers or at specified times. Any options you've set up will be listed. Add, edit or delete these to select the time/holiday schedule to use, the number to forward to, or specific callers to forward calls for.
  4. Select Save.

Up to 10 different numbers can ring into the same auto attendant. Calls to all of the numbers will be routed the same and callers will hear the same greeting. You'll need to request additional numbers from Spark.

  1. Select Incoming Call from the left menu.
  2. Your alternate numbers will be listed.
  3. Select 'look up' field to present list of available numbers.
  4. Select the number from the drop-down.
  5. Select Save.

Set up what happens when callers select options 0 - 9, * and # during business hours and after hours.

If 10 seconds elapse without an option being selected, the call will be transferred to the operator. You'll need to set up one of your menu options to be Transfer to Operator.

  1. Select Menu from the left menu.
  2. Under Dialling Options select either:
    • Enterprise: This means if a caller elects to dial by name or extension, they can reach all users in your company.
    • Site: This means if a caller elects to dial by name or extension, they can reach only users at that site.
  3. If you want callers to be able to dial an extension without selecting a menu item, select the checkboxes for Business Hours and/or After Hours.
  4. Select the tab for which menu you'd like to change, Business Hours or After Hours.
  5. Find the option you want to change. Select Show More if they don't all appear.
  6. Select the action to take from the drop-down:
    • Not used: The default for when you haven't set up this option.
    • Transfer Externally With Prompt: Sends the call to a phone number outside of the company.
    • Transfer Externally Without Prompt: Sends the call to a phone number outside of the company.
    • Transfer To Operator - Internal: Sends the call to a phone number within your company you've specified as the operator if the caller doesn't press a key within 10 seconds.
    • Transfer To Operator - External: Sends the call to a phone number you specify if the caller doesn't press a key within 10 seconds.
    • Transfer To Voicemail: Sends the call to the voicemail of an extension you've specified.
    • Transfer Internally With Prompt:  Sends the call to an internal user you've specified. Before transferring it'll play a message that includes the user's name as they've set it up in their voicemail.
    • Transfer Internally Without Prompt: Sends the call to an internal user you've specified.
    • Transfer To Extension With Prompt: Sends the call to an internal extension you've specified. Before transferring it'll play a message that includes the user's name as they've set it up in their voicemail.
    • Transfer To Extension Without Prompt: Sends the call to an internal extension you've specified.
    • Dial by name: Prompts the caller to enter the recipient's name using the letters on the keypad.
    • Dial by extension: Prompts the caller to enter the recipient's extension using the numbers on the keypad.
    • Repeat Menu: The greeting and menu options will play again.
    • Exit Menu: Exits the menu system and ends the call.
  7. Enter or select the phone number or extension for that action.
  8. Enter a description for the menu item.
  9. Make changes to the other menu options you want to set up.
  10. Select Save.  

Auto attendant greetings are played to callers to welcome them and present the options they can choose from. You'll have two greetings, one for business hours and another for after hours.

The default greeting is: “Welcome. Your call is being answered by an automated attendant. If you know your party’s extension, press one. To use our automated name directory, press two. If you would like to speak to an
operator, press zero. Thank you for calling.”

To add your custom greeting, you can either upload a file you've already recorded, or record it in your voice portal.  

Your greeting file needs to be a .wav file in CCITT u-Law 8.000 kHz, 8-bit Mono attributes with a maximum file size of 2MB.

  1. Select Greetings from the left menu.
  2. Under the Business Hours or After Hours heading, select Custom.
  3. Select the Upload icon.
  4. Find the greeting file on your computer and select Open.
  5. Select Save.
  1. Dial your voice portal number.
  2. If you're prompted to enter your passcode, press * to return to the enter mailbox ID prompt.
  3. At the enter mailbox ID prompt, enter the voice portal extension then #.
  4. At the enter passcode prompt, enter the voice portal administrator passcode then #.
  5. Press 1 to change auto attendant greetings.
  6. Press 1 for Business Hours or press 2 for After Hours.
  7. Follow the prompts to record your greeting.

Call queues temporarily hold calls in the cloud when all agents assigned to receive calls are unavailable. The call is sent through to an agent when they're free.

Each call queue is assigned a lead number, which is a phone number callers can dial to reach agents assigned to the call queue. Call queues are also assigned an internal extension for internal users to call into the queue.

To direct calls into a queue:

  • The caller can dial the lead number directly.
  • If you have a toll-free number, you can direct it to the lead number.
  • You can direct an auto attendant to the lead number.  
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Queues on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call queue you want to enable or disable.
  6. Select the Status toggle on the call queue to enable or disable it.
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Queues on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call queue you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Incoming Calls from the left menu.
  8. Edit the name (maximum 30 characters), extension (2 to 6 characters) or caller ID (maximum 30 characters).
  9. Select Save.

The queue size is the number of calls that can held at one time. If more calls come in they'll be given the overflow treatment you've chosen.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Queues on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call queue you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  8. Enter the number of calls you want in the queue size.
  9. Select the checkboxes as required:
    • Play ringing tone to callers when their call is sent to an available agent
    • Reset caller statistics upon queue entry
  10. To select what happens to a call when the Queue is full, choose and overflow option from the drop-down:
    • Perform busy treatment (callers hear busy tone)
    • Play ringing until caller hangs up
    • Transfer to phone number (can be internal, external or extension)
  11. Check 'mark calls an overflow after a queue wait time' if required and enter an amount of seconds.
  12. Check play announcement before overflow if required:
    • Default (system recording)
    • Custom (upload your own recording)
    • Select + add announcements to add multiple custom recordings
  13. Select save.

Call forwarding lets you send your queue calls to a different phone number.

If you're using selective call forwarding and have more than one schedule, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.

See Manage time schedules for help setting up time schedules.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Queues on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call queue you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Incoming Calls from the left menu.
  8. Select Edit Call Forwarding.
  9. Select when you want to forward your call queue calls:
    • Do not forward: Call won't be forwarded.
    • Call forwarding always: Forwards all calls. Select Internal or External and choose or enter the phone number to forward calls to.
    • Call forwarding selective: Forwards calls to specified numbers at specified times. Any options you've set up will be listed. Add, edit or delete these to select the time/holiday schedule to use, the number to forward to, or specific callers to forward calls for.
  10. Select Save.

Up to 10 different numbers can ring into the same call queue. Calls to all of the numbers will be treated the same and callers will hear the same announcements. You'll need to request additional numbers from Spark.

You can set the ringing pattern for each of the numbers to be different so that agents know the call has come in from an alternate number.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select 'Advanced Services' from the left menu.
  4. Select 'Call Queues' on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call queue you want to modify.
  6. Select 'Edit Service' from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select 'Incoming Calls' from the left menu.
  8. Select 'Look up' field to present list of available numbers.
  9. To add a new alternate number, select 'Add Alternate Number'.
  10. Select the number from the drop-down.
  11. Select a ring pattern.
  12. Select Save.


You can set up various messages for callers to hear while they're waiting for an agent to answer. The welcome message is the first one they'll hear, and they can then hear information about their estimated wait time, music on hold and comfort messages at regular intervals.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select 'Advanced Services' from the left menu.
  4. Select 'Call Queues' on the Call Routing tab
  5. Locate the call queue you want to modify.
  6. Select 'Edit Service' from the Actions drop-down.

The welcome message is the first message a caller hears when they ring the call queue.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Welcome Message toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. If you want all callers to hear the welcome message even if there are agents available, select the checkbox Welcome message is mandatory.
  5. Select which message to play:
    • Default.
    • Custom. Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  6. Select Save.

An estimated wait time message lets callers know how far away they are from being connected with an agent. It can tell them how long they can expect to wait, or what their position in the queue is.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Estimated Wait Message for Queued Calls toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. Decide how many minutes (between 1 and 100) to use as the estimated wait time when the queue hasn't had enough calls to calculate the actual wait time. Enter this in the Default Handling Time field.
  5. Select Announce Queue Position or Announce Wait Time depending on which you'd like the caller to hear.
  6. Enter the maximum wait time or queue position a caller should be at in order to hear the message.
  7. Select Play high volume message if you want callers to hear the queue volume is high when they're over the maximum you just defined.
  8. Select Save.

A comfort message is played to callers at regular intervals while they're waiting. It's often used to give information about your products, promotions or self-service options.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Comfort Message toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. In the Time between comfort message field, enter the number of seconds.
  5. Select which message to play:
    • Default: “Your call is very important to us. Please wait for the next available agent.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  6. Select Save.

Hold music plays either music or a message to callers waiting in the queue before they're transferred to an agent.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Hold Music toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. To play separate hold music for internal calls select 'use alternate source for internal calls'
  5. Under the heading Recording Normal Source, select which hold music to play for external callers (those calling from outside the company):
    • Default.
    • Custom: Enter a name for the hold music or message and upload your file.
  6. Under the heading Recording Alternate Source, select which hold music to play for internal callers (those calling from within your company):
    • Default.
    • Custom: Enter a name for the hold music or message and upload your file.
  7. Select Save.

Overflow calls are those that enter when the queue is over its size limit, or the calls have been in the queue for more than a set limit of time.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Queues on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call queue you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Queue Settings from the left menu..
  8. Under 'For new calls' when the queue is full (Overflow), select what you want to happen to overflow calls from the drop-down:
    • Perform busy treatment
    • Play ringing until caller hangs up
    • Transfer to phone number (can be internal, external or extension)
  9. If you want a waiting limit before treating a call as overflow, select Mark calls as overflow after queue wait time and enter the number of seconds.
  10. Select Play announcement before overflow processing if you want callers to hear a message. Select the message you want to play:
    • Default.
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  11. Select Save.

Agents are users who have been assigned to receive calls from your call queue. You can assign an agent to multiple call queues.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Queues on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call queue you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Agents from the left menu.
  8. If you want agents to be able to take more than one call at a time, select the checkbox 'Allow multiple calls per agent' (You must have call waiting enabled on users).
  9. Under Assign Agents, select the site you want to select agents from.
  10. Select the Find and Assign field.
  11. Start typing to search for an agent and select them from the drop-down.
  12. To remove an agent, select the X next to their name.
  13. To remove all agents, select Remove All.
  14. Select Save.

Call Centres temporarily hold calls in the cloud when all agents assigned to receive calls from a call queue are unavailable. Callers can hear customisable greetings, comfort messages and hold music while they're waiting for an available agent.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to enable or disable.
  6. Select the Status toggle on the call centre to enable or disable it.
  7. If a call centre is disabled, callers will hear a message saying that no one is available to take their call.
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  1. Select Incoming Calls from the left menu.
  2. Edit the name (maximum 30 characters), extension (2 to 6 characters) or caller ID (maximum 30 characters).
  3. Select Save.

Priority for calls ranges from 0 being the highest and 3 the lowest priority. Calls can be given higher priority if they've been in a queue for a pre-determined number of seconds.

  1. Select Incoming Calls from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the checkboxes for the priorities you want to promote.
  4. Enter the number of seconds.
  5. Select Save.

Up to 64 different numbers can ring into the same call centre. You can set call priority for each number, and pass information on to your agents so they know which number a caller has dialled. Each alternate number can have different announcements.

You'll need to request additional numbers from Spark.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Incoming Calls from the left menu.
  8. Select Advanced Settings.
  9. Your alternate numbers are listed under the Alternate Numbers heading.
  10. Select Add to add a new number, or Edit to edit an existing number.
  11. Enter a name for your alternate number.
  12. Select a caller ID.
  13. Select a phone number.
  14. Enter the extension for the number.
  15. Select a priority for calls made to the number.
  16. Select the checkboxes as required:
    • Use custom caller ID settings: This lets you enter a first and last name for the alternate number.
    • Allow outgoing call centre call: This lets agents call out with the call centre number showing instead of their own caller ID.
    • Use custom announcement: This lets you use different entrance, wait, comfort, hold and whisper messages for calls to this number.
  17. If you've decided to use custom announcements, select Announcements from the left menu. Choose the options for each announcement type and upload your announcement files.
  18. Select Save.
  1. Select Incoming Calls from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the checkboxes as required:
    • Display Alternate number to agent instead of calling number. This means when a call is made to an alternate number, the agent receiving the call will see the caller ID number for the alternate number instead of the caller's information.
    • Display Alternate number to agent instead of calling name. This means when a call is made to an alternate number, the agent receiving the call will see the custom caller ID name for the alternate number, if one has been set up.
  4. Select Save.

Manage your queue size and what happens on holidays and after hours.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.

The queue size is the number of calls that can be held at one time. If more calls come in they'll be given the overflow treatment you've chosen.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Enter the number of calls you want in the queue size.
  3. Select the checkboxes as required:
    • Play ringing tone to callers when their call is sent to an available agent
    • Reset caller statistics upon queue entry
  4. Choose an overflow option from the drop-down:
    • Perform busy treatment
    • Play ringing until caller hangs up
    • Transfer to phone number (can be internal, external or extension)
  5. Select Save.

Holiday service lets you play an optional message and route calls differently on special days and holidays when your staff aren't working. If you haven't created a holiday schedule, do that first. See Manage time schedules for help.

If you're applying more than one holiday schedule, the schedules will work in the order they're listed. Ordering of the schedules is by their description name, so we recommend you name the schedules accordingly. For example, if you have a holiday schedule for Christmas day that you want to override what would normally happen on that day of the week, you might name it 00 Christmas Day and the business hours schedule 01 Business Hours.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Holiday Service toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. Select what you want to happen to calls:
    • Perform busy treatment.
    • Transfer to phone number. Then enter or select the phone number to send calls to.
  5. Choose a holiday schedule from the drop-down. If you want to view or edit the schedule, select Edit Holiday Schedule.
  6. If you want to play a message to callers, select the checkbox Play announcement before holiday service action. Then select which message to play:
    • Default: “Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us on a scheduled holiday. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom announcement.
  7. Select Save.

Night service lets you configure what happens to calls received outside of your normal business hours. If you haven't created a business hours time schedule, do that first. See Manage time schedules for help.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Night Service toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. Select what you want to happen to calls:
    • Perform busy treatment.
    • Transfer to phone number: Enter or select the phone number to send calls to.
  5. Choose a business hours time schedule from the drop-down. If you want to view or edit the schedule, select Edit Time Schedule.
  6. Under the heading Normal Announcement, select which announcement will play outside of business hours:
    • Default: “Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us outside ofbusiness hours. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom announcement.
  7. Under the heading Manual Announcement, select which announcement will play when you manually turn on night service:
    • Default: “Your call is very important to us, but you have reached us outside of business hours. Please call back during normal business hours or wait to leave a message.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom announcement. You can upload up to four, and they'll play in order.
  8. If you want the announcement to play before the call is routed, select the checkbox Play announcement before night service action.
  9. To turn on night service manually, select the checkbox Force night service now regardless of business hours schedule.
  10. To allow a feature code to be used to override night service, select the checkbox Allow feature access codes to manually override night service.
  11. Select which announcement will play when night service is manually overridden:
    • Normal
    • Override
  12. Select Save.

Distinctive ringing gives agents a different ringtone for call centre calls. This lets them tell them apart from direct calls.

  1. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  2. Select the checkbox Enable Distinctive Ringing.
  3. Choose the pattern you'd like them to hear from the Ring Pattern drop-down.
  4. Select Save.

You can set up various messages for callers to hear while they're waiting for an agent to answer. The welcome message is the first one they'll hear. They can then hear information about their estimated wait time, music on hold and comfort messages at regular intervals.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.

The welcome message is the first message a caller hears when they ring the call centre.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Welcome Message toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. If you want all callers to hear the welcome message even if there are agents available, select the checkbox Welcome message is mandatory.
  5. Select which message to play:
    • Default.
    • Custom. Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  6. Select Save.

An estimated wait time message lets callers know how far away they are from being connected with an agent. It can tell them how long they can expect to wait, or what their position in the queue is.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings..
  3. Select the Estimated Wait Message for Queued Calls toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. Decide how many minutes (between 1 and 100) to use as the estimated wait time when the queue hasn't had enough calls to calculate the actual wait time. Enter this in the Default Handling Time field.
  5. Select Announce Queue Position or Announce Wait Time depending on which you'd like the caller to hear.
  6. Enter the maximum wait time or queue position a caller should be at to hear the message.
  7. Select Play high volume message if you want callers to hear the queue volume is high when they're over the maximum you just defined.
  8. Select Save.

A comfort message is played to callers at regular intervals while they're waiting. It's often used to give information about your products or promotions.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Comfort Message toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. In the Time between comfort message field, enter the number of seconds.
  5. Select which message to play:
    • Default: “Your call is very important to us. Please wait for the next available agent.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  6. Select Save.

Hold music plays either music or a message to callers waiting in the queue before they're transferred to an agent.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the Hold Music toggle to turn it on or off.
  4. Select which hold music to play:
    1. Default.
    2. Custom: Enter a name for the hold music or message and upload your file.
  5. Select Save.

Whisper allows you to add a greeting that is heard by the agent when they answer an incoming call. This message is not played to the caller. After the message is played the call is presented to the agent.

  1. Select Queue Settings from the left menu.
  2. Select Advanced Settings.
  3. Select Whisper (use the toggle to enable or disable this).
  4. Select your Whisper announcement type:
    • Default - Agent hears 'New call from queue' 
    • Custom - Upload your own greeting
  5. Select Save.
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.

Overflow calls are those that enter when the queue is over its size limit, or the calls have been in the queue for more than a set limit of time.

  1. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  2. Under More Options, select Overflow.
  3. Select from the Treatment drop-down what you want to happen to overflow calls:
    • Perform busy treatment
    • Play ringing until caller hangs up
    • Transfer to phone number (can be internal, external or extension)
  4. If you want a waiting limit before treating a call as overflow, select Enable overflow after queue wait time and enter the number of seconds.
  5. Select Play announcement before overflow processing if you want callers to hear a message. Select the message you want to play:
    • Default: “Your call is very important to us but due to the high volume of calls, we cannot answer your call. Please hold while we transfer you to voice messaging so that we can help you as soon as possible.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  6. Select Save.

A bounced call is a call that's been sent to an agent, but the agent hasn't answered it.

  1. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  2. Under Bounced Calls, select the checkboxes for the options you want to enable:
    • Mark calls as bounced after a set number of rings: Enter the number of rings.
    • Bounce if agent becomes unavailable:  Bounces the call if an agent goes into an unavailable state while the call's on route to them.
    • Bounce if call on hold for a set wait time: Enter the number of seconds.
  3. Select Save.

A stranded call is a call in a queue that has no agents signed into it.

  1. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  2. Under More Options, select Stranded.
  3. Select from the Treatment drop-down what you want to happen to stranded calls:
    • Leave in queue
    • Perform busy treatment
    • Night service
    • Play ringing until caller hangs up
    • Play announcement until caller hangs up
    • Transfer to phone number 
  4. If you've elected to play an announcement, select which message you want to play:
    • Default: "Your call is very important to us, but no agents are available.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  5. If you have selected 'transfer to phone number', this can be internal or external.
  6. Select Save.

An unavailable call is a call in a queue where agents are signed in, but all agents are unavailable.

  1. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  2. Under More Options, select Unavailable.
  3. Select from the Treatment drop-down what you want to happen to unavailable calls:
    • Leave in queue
    • Perform busy treatment
    • Night service
    • Play ringing until caller hangs up
    • Play announcement until caller hangs up
    • Transfer to phone number 
  4. If you've elected to play an announcement, select which message you want to play:
    • Default: “Your call is very important to us, but no agents are available.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  5. If you have selected 'transfer to phone number', this can be internal or external.
  6. Select Save.

You can choose to redirect calls coming into a queue somewhere else. Any calls already in the queue will remain queued.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Call Routing from the left menu.
  8. Under More Options, select Redirect.
  9. Select the checkboxes for the options you want:
    • Always forward calls: Forwards any calls coming into the queue to another number or voicemail. Select or enter where you'd like the calls to go. (This can be internal or external)
    • Allow feature access codes to configure forced forwarding: This means a supervisor can turn on redirect (*51) or turn off redirect (*52) from their phone.
    • Play announcement before forwarding: Plays a message to callers.
  10. Select which announcement you want callers to hear:
    • Default: “Your call is very important to us but due to an emergency, our agents are not available. Please hold on while we transfer you to a location that may assist you.”
    • Custom: Enter a name for the message and upload your custom message.
  11. Select Save.
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  1. Select Roles from the left menu.
  2. Under Assign Agents, select the Find and Assign field.
  3. Start typing to search for an agent and select them from the drop-down.
  4. To remove an agent, select the X next to their name.
  5. Select Save.
  1. Select Roles from the left menu.
  2. Under Assign Supervisors, select the Find and Assign field.
  3. Start typing to search for a supervisor and select them from the drop-down.
  4. If the supervisor is also an agent, select the Agent checkbox.
  5. To remove a supervisor, select the X next to their name.
  6. Select Save.
  1. Select Roles from the left menu.
  2. Select the checkboxes for the settings you want to apply:
    • Automatically answer calls after: This connects the call to an agent after a set number of seconds. Enter the number of seconds.
    • Allow multiple calls per agent: If the agent has call waiting, they'll get calls even if they're already on a call.
    • Allow calls to agents during Wrap-up: If the agent is in a wrap-up state, they'll still get calls.
    • Enable a maximum Wrap-up timer of: Limits the amount of time an agent can enter for wrap-up. Enter the time, up to a maximum of 60 minutes.
    • Automatically set Agent's state after a call: This is the state the agent will automatically go into when their call's finished. Select it from the drop-down.
  3. Select Save.

Disposition codes allow an agent to classify a call. They can be used to capture information such as which promotion the call related to, where they saw your advertising, or what the result of the call was. The agent can enter the code either during the call or afterwards when they're in a wrap-up state.

  1. Select Reporting from the left menu.
  2. Select the checkbox Enable call disposition codes.
  3. To allow the default codes to be available:
    • Select the checkbox Enable call disposition codes.
    • Select Default Code.
    • Select or de-select the checkboxes for the default codes you do or don't want to use.
  4. To use custom codes:
    • Select Custom Code.
    • Select a code from the drop-down.
    • Enter a description for the code.
    • Select Add Code.
  5. If you want choosing a disposition code to be mandatory, select the checkbox Force use of call disposition codes.
  6. Select Save.

Unavailable codes let agents select a reason for being in an unavailable state. For example, if they're on lunch or taking a coffee break. You can use a default list of these codes or create your own.

  1. Select Reporting from the left menu.
  2. Select the checkbox Enable agent unavailable codes.
  3. If you want choosing an unavailable code to be mandatory, select the checkbox Force use of unavailable codes.
  4. To allow the default codes to be available:
    • Select Default Code.
    • Select or de-select the checkboxes for the codes you do or don't want to use.
  5. To use custom codes:
    • Select Custom Code.
    • Select a code from the drop-down.
    • Enter a description for the code.
    • Select Add Code.
  6. Select Save.

Before you can use the call centre, make sure you have:

  • Assigned at least one active two-way Direct Dial In (DDI) to the call centre
  • At least one call centre agent seat in your site's inventory
  • Assigned at least one agent to the call centre
  • Uploaded a main greeting

Things you'll need to know:

  • Only Premium profile users can be assigned as agents or supervisors.
  • Features users have set up, such as call forwarding, won't apply to calls they get from the queue.
  • All call centre greetings and messages must be formatted as CCIT u-Law 8.000kHz, 8 bit Mono .WAV. The maximum file size is 2000KB which is approximately 4 minutes of audio recording length.

Group paging lets a user set up a one-way call to a up to 75 target users. To do this, users dial a number or extension. Users can make a simultaneous call to all the target users and they'll get an announcement that the system is ready for paging. After speaking, the user ends the call by hanging it up.

Users who make group paging calls are called paging originators. Those who will receive the group page are called paging targets. A user can be assigned to both roles. 


Set up or change group paging

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Group Paging on the Productivity Services tab.
  5. Locate the group paging number you want to modify.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  1. The paging group's phone number, name, extension, and first and last name will display.
  2. Change the name, extension, first or last name as required.
  3. Select whether you want the caller ID label to be the group paging ID or the page originator.
  4. Select Save.

Paging targets are the users who will receive a group paging call.

  1. Select Paging Targets under More Options.
  2. Select a Site from the drop-down.
  3. Select the checkbox next to a user from the Available list.
  4. Select the right arrow to move the user to the Assigned list.
  5. To remove a user from the Assigned list, select their checkbox then select the left arrow.
  6. Once you've assigned all the users you want to add, select Save.

Paging originators are the users who can make group paging calls.

  1. Select Paging Originators under More Options.
  2. Select a Site from the drop-down.
  3. Select the checkbox next to a user from the Available list.
  4. Select the right arrow to move the user to the Assigned list.
  5. To remove a user from the Assigned list, select their checkbox then select the left arrow.
  6. Once you've assigned all the users you want to add, select Save.
  • A site can have multiple Group Paging services.
  • A user can be assigned to more than one paging group.
  • If a target user isn't on the phone, the call from a group page is automatically answered. The target hears an announcement to let them know they're receiving a page.
  • If a target user is on the phone, the page is not automatically answered. If they choose not to answer the page, the group paging call won't forward to the target’s voice mail.
  • If a target user has do not disturb turned on, they won't get a group page.
  • Redirections won't work on a group page. If a target user has call forwarding turned on, the group page won't be forwarded. If they have office anywhere or simultaneous ring turned on, the group page won't call their configured destination. 
  • When the group page is set up to the targets, the originator will hear an announcement that the paging system is ready, so they know to begin speaking.
  • The group page is a one-way call from the originator to the targets. The target users can't talk to each other or to the originator.

Users with premium profiles have access to the the My Room conferencing feature. This gives them:

  • Instant messaging
  • The ability to see the presence status of other users
  • Audio conferencing
  • Video conferencing
  • Desktop and file sharing
  • Guest user access

To use video conferencing instead of audio conferencing, an administrator needs to enable it.

Each of your premium users will have a unique room ID number to initiate My Room sessions. At the site level, you'll also have a collaborate bridge. This is the two-way number that the system uses to dial out when placing My Room calls.

There can be multiple private My Room sessions running at the same time, each with a combined total of 15 audio and video participants.

Video conferencing is enabled by default. It uses a lot of data, so you can disable it and use only audio conferencing if your internet is restricted.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Users from the left menu.
  4. Navigate the user you want to enable video conferencing for.
  5. Select Edit from the Actions drop-down.
  6. Select Mobile & PC Applications from the left menu.
  7. Under Application Add-ons, tick or un-tick the Video Conference checkbox.
  8. Select Save.  

A user's room ID is the number they use to place calls from My Room.

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select the Productivity Services tab.Select Collaborate Bridge.
  5. Scroll down to Collaborate Bridge Rooms.
  6. The users' room IDs are listed in the table.  

Call parking lets users from a defined group park a call, which other members of the group can then pick up.


Things to know:

  • Users added to a call park group all need to be from the same site.
  • A user can only be assigned to one call park group.
  • One site can have multiple call park groups, but they'll need to have different names.
See or change your call park groups
  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Park on the Call Routing tab.

Add a call park group

  1. Select Add.
  2. Enter a name for the group in the Group Name field.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Select from the Recall To drop-down where you want a parked call to go back to if it's not picked up:
    • Alert parking user only: The call goes back to user who parked it.
    • Alert parking user first, then Hunt Group: The call goes back to the user who parked it. If they don't pick it up, it'll go to a hunt group. Select the hunt group from the drop-down.
    • Alert Hunt Group only: The call goes to a hunt group. Select the hunt group from the drop-down.
  5. Select the checkbox next to a user from the Available list.
  6. Select the right arrow button to add the user to the Assigned list.
  7. To remove a user from the Assigned list, select their checkbox then the left arrow button.
  8. Add the other users you want in your call park group.
  9. Select Save.


Delete a call park group

  1. Select the checkbox next to the call park group.
  2. Select Delete.
  1. Select the checkbox next to the call park group.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Update the group name if required.
  4. Select from the Recall To drop-down where you want a parked call to go back to if it's not picked up:
    • Alert parking user only: The call goes back to user who parked it.
    • Alert parking user first, then Hunt Group: The call goes back to the user who parked it. If they don't pick it up, it'll go to a hunt group. Select the hunt group from the drop-down.
    • Alert Hunt Group only: The call goes to a hunt group. Select the hunt group from the drop-down.
  5. To add a user to the group, select the checkbox next to their name from the Available list. Select the right arrow button.
  6. To remove a user from the group, select their checkbox then the left arrow button.
  7. Select Save.

These settings apply to all of your call park groups.

  1. Select the Global Settings button.
  2. If required, select from the Recall To drop-down where you want a parked call to go back to if it's not picked up:
    • Alert parking user only: The call goes back to user who parked it.
    • Alert parking user first, then Hunt Group: The call goes back to the user who parked it. If they don't pick it up, it'll go to a hunt group. Select the hunt group from the drop-down.
    • Alert Hunt Group only: The call goes to a hunt group. Select the hunt group from the drop-down.
  3. Select All Settings on the left.
  4. Select a Ring Pattern from the drop-down. This is what the user will hear when a parked call goes back to them.
  5. Enter the Recall Timer in seconds. This is how long a call will wait to be picked up before going back to the user or a hunt group.
  6. Enter the Alert Hunt Group Wait Time in seconds. This is how long a call will wait in the hunt group before going back to the user who parked it.
  7. Select Save.

Park a call

  1. Put the call on hold.
  2. Dial *58.
  3. The call park group will park the call against the first available member of the call park group.
  4. You'll hear an announcement with the extension of the group member the call is parked against.
  5. The call will be placed on hold until someone picks it up.


Pick up a parked call

  1. Dial *88 then the extension that the call's been parked against.


What happens if the call isn't picked up?

If the call isn't picked up, it'll go back to the user who parked it, or to a hunt group, depending on what's been set up for the call park group.  

Reports can be accessed via the options menus of call centres, call queues and auto attendants. For instructions, select one of the options below.

To quickly access reporting on call queues and auto attendants:

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Reports from the left menu.
  4. Select the type of report you want and the specific call queue or auto attendant from the drop-downs.
  5. Select the date range for the report.
  6. Select the right arrow to generate the report.
  7. Select the Export button if you want to export the report.

Call centre reports will give you information on your queues and agents.


Generate a report

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Centres on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call centre you want to generate a report for.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Reporting from the left menu.
  8. Under Run a Report, select the range you want.
  9. Select Run Report.


Understand what the report shows

The report has two tabs, Queue Stats and Agent Stats.

Queue stats:

  • Busy overflows: The number of calls that came in after the queue had reached its size limit. 
  • Calls abandoned: The number of calls that hung up before they were answered by an agent.
  • Calls abandoned (avg. in seconds): The average time callers spent waiting before they hung up without having reached an agent.
  • Calls answered: The total number of calls answered by agents.
  • Calls timed out: The total number of calls that were unanswered too long and were forwarded out of the queue.
  • Calls transferred: The total number of calls that were transferred out of the queue.
  • Number of agents talking (avg): The average number of agents in an active call during the period the report covers.
  • Number of agents staffed (avg):  The average number of agents who were assigned to the queue during the period the report covers.
  • Wait time (avg in seconds): The average amount of time in seconds that callers spent waiting in the queue before they reached an agent.

Agent stats:

  • Average calls (min): The average time in minutes that the agent spent on queue calls.
  • Calls handled: The total number of calls the agent handled.
  • Total staffed time: The total time the agent was assigned to the queue.
  • Total calls: The total number of call queue calls.
  • Unanswered calls: The total number of calls that rang the agent's phone but weren't answered
  • Hold time (min): The total time in minutes that the agent had callers on hold.
  • Talk time (min): The total time in minutes that the agent was actively talking on calls.

Generate a report

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Call Queues on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the call queue you want to generate a report for.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Reporting from the left menu.
  8. Select the range you want to report on.
  9. Select Run Report.


Understand what the report shows

The report has two tabs, Queue Stats and Agent Stats.

Queue stats:

  • Busy overflows: The number of calls that came in after the queue had reached its size limit.
  • Calls abandoned: The number of calls that hung up before they were answered by an agent.
  • Calls abandoned (avg. in seconds): The average time callers spent waiting before they hung up without having reached an agent.
  • Calls answered: The total number of calls answered by agents.
  • Calls timed out: The total number of calls that were unanswered too long and were forwarded out of the queue.
  • Calls transferred: The total number of calls that were transferred out of the queue.
  • Number of agents talking (avg): The average number of agents in an active call during the period the report covers.
  • Number of agents staffed (avg): The average number of agents who were assigned to the queue during the period the report covers.
  • Wait time (avg in seconds): The average amount of time in seconds that callers spent waiting in the queue before they reached an agent.

Agent stats:

  • Average calls (min): The average time in minutes that the agent spent on queue calls.
  • Calls handled: The total number of calls the agent handled.
  • Total staffed time: The total time the agent was assigned to the queue.
  • Total calls: The total number of call queue calls.
  • Unanswered calls: The total number of calls that rang the agent's phone but weren't answered
  • Hold time (min): The total time in minutes that the agent had callers on hold.
  • Talk time (min): The total time in minutes that the agent was actively talking on calls.

The auto attendant report shows answered calls, busy calls, not answered calls and duration of calls for each destination.


Generate a report

  1. Sign in to the administration portal
  2. Select your site from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Advanced Services from the left menu.
  4. Select Auto Attendants on the Call Routing tab.
  5. Locate the auto attendant you want to generate a report for.
  6. Select Edit Service from the Actions drop-down.
  7. Select Reporting from the left menu.
  8. Select the range you want to report on.
  9. Select Run Report.