International calling rates

Select a destination
Calls to a landline
Calls to a mobile
Prices include GST. 2hrs capped* Per min 2hrs capped* Per min

To make an international call you'll need to know the country or destination's international dialling code.

See international codes

* After the two hours you'll be charged the per minute rate for the rest of the call.

If you want to call overseas a lot, adding a Talk it Up package to your plan may suit you. You can make calls lasting up to two hours to a large number of destinations around the world and there's just one monthly cost, so you'll always know how much you'll be paying.

See Talk it Up options

Calls to Scott Base or McMurdo Sound will be charged at the national calling rate that comes with your plan or package.

Calls to any other Antarctic bases will be charged at the Australian calling rate that comes with your plan or package.

Satellite network
Cost per minute from landline
Cost per minute from mobile
Inmarsat Aeronautical MESs (numbers beginning with 5) $12.97 $18.35
Inmarsat other including Mini-M, B, M (numbers beginning with 3,6,7) $7.64 $18.35  
Iridium, Globalstar and Thuraya $7.64 $18.35  


Prices include GST.

Capped rates apply to calls up to two hours in duration. Time over two hours will be charged at the standard per-minute rates.

Capped rates apply to direct dial voice calls from your residential home phone only. Excludes 059 and other special numbers.

Direct dial international calls from your home phone are billed on a per-minute basis. This means call durations are rounded up to the nearest full minute.

Applies to standard residential plans. Terms and conditions apply. View terms and conditions

National calling rates

Our flexible range of home phone plans and packages give you great value calling plans that make it easy to understand exactly what you're paying for. With everyday low calling rates, plans with two-hour calling caps of $3, special weekend plans and packages with plenty of data, there's a plan to suit your needs  with added cost certainty.

Price per minute
Capped for calls up to two hours*
Local calling Free
Landlines within NZ
$0.24 $3.00
Mobiles within NZ
$0.39 $5.00

Prices include GST.

View the rates of our broadband packages

View our national calling add-ons for existing customers

* After the two hours you'll be charged the per minute rate for the rest of the call.