Smart waste management with BigBelly Solar Bins
Improve productivity and efficiency with smart bins that can tell you when they need to be emptied.
The BigBelly solar rubbish bins are equipped with a small compactor powered by a solar cell. They are independent of the power grid and can pack up to 10 New Zealand standard rubbish bins.
One of the most important features is the daily data logging system and all BigBelly Solar Bins are equipped with the CLEAN Management system. The CLEAN management system provides you with online alerts regarding the bins that require your attention and allow you to plan the collection and measure the performance. Via your PC or your smart phone, you can check the bins status in real-time.
“The simple change from old city bins to IoT connected smart bins means our city councils will have more visibility and control of their infrastructure. Instead of rubbish trucks driving around the city for hours checking if bins are full, they will now be alerted when to go and empty the bin at a rate which is 50% less than it was before. An IoT solution that improves productivity and efficiency, whilst addressing sustainability.” Brian McGurk, Councillor, Nelson City.
BigBelly solar bins means your organisation could:
Customer stories and resources
Results from a Nelson City Council and Spark New Zealand joint trial of a ‘smart’ solar-compacting bin in Nelson’s city centre, shows that collection frequency is reduced by more than 50 per cent.
Learn moreConnect your IoT solutions to our range of secure and resilient networks. Our networks allow for different use cases depending on your bandwidth and coverage needs.
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